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Information portal about cryptocurrency

All the most up-to-date information about the crypt from professionals in their field with many years of experience.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency - is one of the types of digital currency, electronic money that is not physically expressed. It is not only a payment instrument, but also a means of accumulation and investment. Sometimes they are called "crypt", "digital money", "cryptomonets".

Crypt - is safe and secure

The cryptocurrency is not subject to inflation, because when it is created, a limited number of coins are laid that cannot be “reprinted”. The crypt is provided by those, who want to create and buy them, who are ready to sell goods and services for the corresponding cryptocurrency.
It is impossible to crack it, make a fake or disable the system, because it is based on reliable encryption mechanisms.
To open an account, you do not need to provide your personal data. Address generation does not contain information about its owner.

Information portal about cryptocurrency

Bitcoin (Bitcoin, BTC)

They are used as a means of exchange. The most famous and oldest cryptocurrency. It is considered a standard (digital gold). The source code is already very outdated and does not allow you to compete with new altcoins. However, due to its popularity, it is considered one of the best coins.

Altcoin (Ethereum, ETH)

The success of Bitcoin has led to the emergence of alternative cryptocurrencies - altcoins (derivatives created according to its algorithm). One of the important ones is Ethereum. It is called the "digital analogue of oil". Its main difference from the same bitcoin is that ethers (Ethereum "coins") can be used as "fuel" for the execution of smart contracts: actions in the blockchain that will be automatically executed when a certain condition is reached. Just like bitcoin, it is based on the blockchain, but it is independent of the original algorithm. Therefore, it can use other types of encryption and process transactions faster. The technology is used in registration of transactions, transfer of resources/copyrights.

Cryptocurrency exchange rate

It is determined by supply and demand in the market. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is influenced by various factors. For example: the volume of currency issuance, the technological aspects underlying a particular crypto asset, the possibility of using cryptocurrencies to purchase goods, regulation by various countries, news hype (often artificially created), etc. The exchange rate is determined on special exchanges where cryptomonets are bought and sold.

Why our portal?

On our website you will find answers to all questions about the crypt. Important news, current forecasts, chips, secrets of earnings - only high-quality and reliable information.
We want the work with cryptocurrency to be accessible and effective for every user.
The cryptocurrency space is growing rapidly, so you need to keep your finger on the pulse - to know the current cryptocurrency exchange rate. Where you can track the dynamics by day, week, month, year and for all time.

  • BTC
    • BTCBTC
    • ETHETH
    • LTCLTC
    • SOLSOL
    • RVNRVN
  • USD
    • USDUSD
    • EUREUR
    • RUBRUB
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